Tooth sensitivity is the worst! If you have ever had a sensitive tooth, you know exactly what we are talking about.
The first thing in treating tooth sensitivity is to determine the cause. Dr. Berry and her team can examine your mouth to find out what is causing the sensitivity and offer solutions to be pain free.
A common cause of tooth sensitivity is when enamel of the tooth is worn away and the inner layer is exposed. When the inner layer is exposed, any triggers such as receding gums, brushing too hard, teeth decay, wear and tear, build up of plaque, gum disease and/or tooth grinding are able to reach the nerve of the tooth which results in the pain you feel.
Denise and Laura are experts on products and techniques to keep tooth sensitivity at bay.
Here are some suggestions from Dr. Berry on how manage the discomfort:
- Use a soft bristle toothbrush and brush gently twice a day.
- Use toothpaste for sensitive teeth such as Sensodyne - look for Potassium Nitrate as the active ingredient! You can even rub it in at a localized area of sensitivity.
- Use dental care products with fluoride - these help seal the tooth
- ACT mouthwash is available at any grocery store or pharmacy
- High Fluoride toothpaste is available in our office
- Avoid acidic food and drinks as these can make sensitivity worse.
- Use Crest Sensi-Stop Strips - they are strips that look similar to white strips and contain an ingredient that seals the tooth. These are available at any grocery store or pharmacy. We have found our patients have almost instant relief from using these Strips!
If these suggestions do not improve your tooth sensitivity there may be another cause. Dr. Berry and her team can help, you do not have to live with tooth pain.