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Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (Myo)
Where is your tongue right now? Is it suctioned to the roof of your mouth? Or is it pushing against your teeth or hanging low? Are your lips sealed or are you mouth breathing? Improper oral rest positions of the tongue and lips and mouth breathing are considered dysfunctional and can contribute poor oral health, inadequate sleep, pain, fatigue, even increased stress/anxiety! Myofunctional therapy can help repattern the brain to muscle connection to re-establish proper pathways and correct these dysfunctions leading to resolution of these ailments.
“Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth. OMDs may affect, directly and/or indirectly, breastfeeding, facial skeletal growth and development, chewing, swallowing, speech, occlusion, temporomandibular joint movement, oral hygiene, stability of orthodontic treatment, facial esthetics, and more.”
Key goals:
Eliminate or Minimize Oral Habits (this includes clenching!)
Establish Proper Nasal Breathing
Achieve Lip Competence (tone & proper seal)
Attain a Proper Tongue Rest Posture
Activate and Elevate Back of the Tongue
Tone the Pharyngeal Muscles (back of the throat)
Meet Our Myofunctional Therapist
Laura completed her Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy training with the Academy of Myofunctional Therapy. She is passionate about preventative oral and whole body health. She became interested in Myo while taking dental continuing education courses and realizing OMD’s affected her children and MANY of the patients she sees daily. She is excited to bring this program and all of the benefits to our community.